Category Archives: Blog

Times Colonist has it wrong

I take exception to the assertion in the Times Colonist editorial of 16 November 2019, “No-fault vehicle insurance is unpopular but could ease ICBC troubles”, that some 75,000 claims annually “may very well be exaggerated or outright bogus”.  Even if that slur on the integrity of British Columbians were true, all of the judges and juries, […]

ICBC Since 2008 – Outcomes, Analysis and Recommendations

INTRODUCTION The motivation for this memo comes from the recognition that ICBC is at a critical point in its history. Dramatic improvements to Corporate function are urgently required. It is hoped that the comments provided here will assist in identifying the problems and potential solutions. The good news is that such solutions are immediately attainable. […]

Something Positive

I did a mediation recently that was different in a couple of ways and that actually improved my view of us flawed human beings. It doesn’t happen often so I thought I would share it here. It was about an assault that began in a licensed premises. One young man (I’ll refer to as B) […]

Co-mediation Part 2

This post originally appeared on as a third post in the “On Co-Mediation Series” In Part I, I expanded upon how the applicant (Ms Sainty) and I saw benefits in our partnership, confirmed our pairing and began the process of working with mediation parties in seeking their permission to proceed with a co-mediation […]